
What I’m Reading

Loose Girl: A Memoir of Promiscuity – Kerry Cohen (short, but interesting.)

McMafia: A Journey Through the Global Criminal Underworld (thought it would focus more on decentralized criminal organizations but it doesn’t. a look at how Russian culture breeds serial entrepreneurs and hustlers)

The Price of Experience: Power, Money, Image, and Murder in Los Angeles – Randall Sullivan (the title of this book is a complete injustice. TheExecutive gave it to me. it’s a detailed history of the Billionaire Boys Club and Los Angeles in the 80s. It’s like Less than Zero but more fucked up. on par with the Bugliosi true crime books)

Life tips from Nassim Nicholas Taleb (the article they’re cribbed from is great)

Obama and the Rise of Asymmetrical Competition (this is why you need to study the evolution of warfare and organizations)

Why Mergers Don’t Work – James Surowiecki

Warfare, Infanticide, and Statistical Inference: A Comment on Divale and Harris(pdf) (short rebuttal to Cannibals and Kings)

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