
Open Q&A

I never thought I’d be in a position to do this but I think it is the only way. I’ve been getting a lot of emails asking really open ended questions that I don’t have time to answer individually. I also know that I’ve been vague in describing what I am doing and why I left school. I can’t answer everything obviously but I’ll do my best to clear up as much as possible.

You guys can email me or post in the comments and then I will respond later in the week with a big post. Hopefully I can turn it into a FAQ or a bio section to save time. I am totally happy to answer specific or personal questions but when they are things like “What are you doing?” it leads me to believe that I skipped an explanation somewhere.

Also, to the person that sent an Amazon Giftcard to my email address. Thank you. I never expected things like that to start happening.

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