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20% Borders Coupon

(Always valid, updates weekly. I’ve never paid full price for a book at Borders.)

Calacanis interview with Business Week

(His take on self-sufficient advertising, Federated Media, Weblogs Inc, potential new media titans)

The Top Ten Stupid Ways to Hinder Market Adoption

(Ben tagged this to me. Good list of horrible business strategies on the internet)

Differentiate Your Blog or Die

(How to make your blog sticky, and how to stand out)

Tragedy of the commons-Collective Action Problems

(Wikipedia. Ruin is the destination toward which all men rush… )

Rudius Press:

(Disclosure: I run PR for these authors)

Jim Wirt of ColoringBookLand Interviewed by Matt Sorum/Billy Morrison

(Camp Freddy Radio–Dave Navarro’s band–are huge CBL fans, so they did a segment with Jim)

Eric Schaeffer wants to marry you

(This might be the creepiest, most disturbing interview in the history of online journalism. My soul is crying.)

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